More Pictures:
Suvajyoti, Snehaunshu, Nick, MRZ@Graduation Suvajyoti and MRZ@Graduation Nick Piekiel's Graduation Party Suvajyoti Guha's Graduation Party At University of Minnesota, with Sean Garrick, Steve Girshick, Dave Kittelson and Peter McMurry
- Zachariah receives the Sinclair Award at AAAR
- AAAR Meeting: Max, Zachariah, Joe, Suvajyoti, and Ming
- AAAR Meeting: Ming's First Conference Presentation
- Zachariah Receives Faculty Outstanding Research Award
- Lei Zhou's Farewell
- Pedro Bueno's Graduation; with George and Russ
- Kyle Sullivan's Farewell
- AAAR Meeting in Portland: Prahalad, Michael
- AAAR Meeting in Portland: with Max, Anshuman, Prahalad, Michael, Adam, and George
- Gordon Research Conference
- NATCHEE Meeting: At the Taj with Ray, Sheryl, and Winnie
- Anshuman's Going Away Party
- Strasbourg E-MRS: with Tim Weihs (JHU), Rich Yetter and Ken Kuo (PSU) after praying for funding!
- Strasbourg E-MRS: with Su Peris, Carol Rossi (CNRS), Mike Berman (AFOSR), Rich Yetter (PSU)
- Joe with Parents at Graduation, 5/09
- After Brian Henz Ph.D. Defense, 4/23/09
- Joe Giving a Talk at AICHE
- Max Giving a Talk at AICHE
- Takumi's Farewell
- Purnendu's Defense
- Group Lunch for De-Hao
- Martin, George, and Michael in Professor Juan De la Mora's Lab at Yale - May 2007
- Michael and George in front of Gibbs grave at the Yale cemetery - May 2007
- Dr. Wing Tsang (NIST) and Michael at the Soot workshop on the Isle of Capri - May 2007
- Joe Looking "Cool" Aligning His SPMS Ablation Laser
- Prahalad with Diploma - May 2007
- Prahalad after his Ph.D. Defense (with Dick Cavicchi) - 2007
- Soo, Dong, and Michael in Dong's Lab - January 2007
- Dong in his Pusan National University Office - 2007
- With Dong in his Pusan National University Lab - 2007
- Kihong and Michael in Seoul - 2007
- Soo in Dong's Office at Pusan National University - 2007
- Kihong in his Office at GIST, Korea - 2007
- Kihong Recruiting New Graduate Student in Seoul - 2007
- Cover Picture of Impact Magazine
- Michael and Ashish at the International Aerosol Conference - 2006
- Joe, Pedro, Michael, Ashish, and De-Hao at the International Aerosol Conference - 2006
- Art, Kihong, Dong, and Michael at the International Aerosol Conference - 2006
- Gordon Conference
Late 1980s:
Mid 1980s - Dr. Zachariah in Graduate School: