Dr. Michael R. Zachariah, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry Education:
Prior Work Experience:
- Professor at the University of Minnesota, 1998-2003
- Staff Scientist and Group Leader at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1986-1998
- Sinclair Award given by AAAR for sustained excellence in Aerosol Research and Technology
- University of Maryland School of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award
- Best Paper Award at the Sixth International Conference on Special Topics on Chemical Propulsion
- Outstanding Paper Award at the AIChE National Meeting
- Bronze Medal from the United States Department of Commerce for Superior Federal Service
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Energetic Material and Chemical Propulsion
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics
- Member of the Board of Directors, Energetics Technology Center (ETC)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2006-2010)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Combustion Theory and Modeling (2006-2009)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (1998-2002)
- Advisory Board Member, Aerosol Science and Technology (1996-2005)
Currently Teaching:
- Nanoparticle and Aerosol Dynamics [spring semester, even years]
- Combustion and Reacting Flows [spring semester, odd years]
Previously Taught:
- Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Microelectronics Processing
- Physical Measurements Laboratory
- Introduction to Combustion
- Kinectics and Reacting Flows
- Advanced Aerosol and Particle Engineering
- Introduction to NanoParticle Science and Engineering