T he lab's dedicated research facilities listed below are used in a variety of configurations to interrogate by in-situ laser spectroscopic/scattering and mass-spectrometric means, reacting flow problems comprising:
- Nanoparticle formation and characterization
- Nanoparticle based energetic materials
- Nanoparticle based sensors
- Microelectronics processing
- Chemical vapor deposition of nanocrystalline thin films
- Properties of soot and their chemistry
The lab's instrumentation includes:
- Pulsed YAG lasers
- UV-intensified CCD camera
- 0.5 M flat field imaging spectrometer
- Custom laser induced breakdown spectroscopy system ( LIBS)
- Quadrupole mass-spectrometer
- Tandem differential mobility analyzer systems
- Aerosol particle mass analyzer
- Electrospray generators
- Assorted atmospheric pressure laminar flame reactors
- Instrumented combustion bomb
- Nanoparticle synthesis and measurement systems
- Custom T-jump time-of flight mass spectrometer
- Custom single particle Mass Spectrometer
- Cryo-mill